Paleo Ingredients

Thanks for stopping by! We’re slowly developing our list of ingredients that we feel are useful for making tasty Paleo desserts. We’ve broken this up into three sections: First, ingredients that we would use to develop a great paleo cookie recipe. Second, ingredients that are Paleo OR “do no harm” but we haven’t been able to make taste really good. Third, common ingredients that sneak into Paleo recipes all over the web but are “fail-eo”.

Paleo & taste great!

These are ingredients we’ve used and been really stoked with. These are inarguably Paleo, are easy to find and use, and all are minimally processed. You can feel totally safe using these.

Paleo (or close) but don’t work for us

  • dates
  • maple syrup (tastes great but too processed)
  • cashews
  • baking soda & baking powder

Fail-eo Ingredients

  • “Enjoy” chocolate chips (read the ingredients!)
  • raw cane sugar
  • coconut sugar
  • evaporated cane juice
  • dextrose AKA corn sugar
  • peanuts
  • aspartame
  • soy, yup, even just a little
  • corn
  • any dairy ingredients, including grass fed based.