We don't often think about how music affects our health, but it does. Music therapy is a proven way to reduce stress, fight depression and anxiety, improve mental illness symptoms like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (and even Alzheimer's disease), and more.
Even if you don't think of yourself as someone who enjoys singing or playing an instrument, there are plenty of ways to sing for your health! Ancient healers in the Paleolithic era would sing to their patients.
As you probably know, the Paleolithic era (or Stone Age) refers to the period of human development from roughly 2.5 million years ago until about 10,000 BC. This is when humans lived as hunter-gatherers and used tools made out of stone. During this time, singing was an important part of healing for ancient healers. They would sing to their patients to help repair their bodies, restore their mental health and reconnect them with other people and nature.
Music was thought to help the patient return to a state of health and harmony. Singing is a form of meditation. When we sing, we are connecting with our inner self. When we connect with our inner self, it helps us to feel good. Singing also helps us to relax and feel more positive about ourselves.
A Paleolithic healer might treat a patient with music, herbs, and simple human touch. A paleo medicine healer might use music in a number of ways to treat a patient. Music was used to help patients relax, feel better, feel more connected with others, sleep better, and heal their bodies.
Some songs are best used during relaxation exercises or self-massage sessions because they are slow and soothing. Other songs can help you go deeper into meditation by using slower tempos that allow you to reach a meditative state more easily than faster rhythms do.
When we're working with customers who hit walls during their healing process or who just need some extra support on the road to recovery, we often recommend they listen to certain types of music while they're going through their daily routine so that they don't get stuck in any negative thought patterns during this time period when their minds are especially vulnerable - especially if these thought patterns tend towards negativity (which is quite common).
An important but often forgotten treatment was singing to heal body and mind. People in the Paleo Era used singing to help patients feel better, more comfortable and at ease. Singing was especially helpful for those who were experiencing severe pain or discomfort.
For example, when an injured person was brought into a cave with other inhabitants who lived there during that time period, they would all sing together and try to make him feel as relaxed as possible so that he could get well quicker.
This practice was also used for people who had mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder because it helped them feel less anxious about going outside into society where they'd have to deal with people making fun of them all day long.
Traditional music still has healing power today. It may seem silly to use music as a way to manage stress, but studies show that it can be worthwhile. A Harvard Medical School study found that people who listened to music had less stress and anxiety than those who didn't.
As one of the researchers told Psychology Today, “Listening to music is an inherently social experience; we like listening because it allows us to share something with others." A study published in The Journal of Neuroscience found that classical music helps reduce pain perception in patients undergoing surgery.
A University of Miami School of Medicine study also found that listening to classical music during open heart surgery reduced anxiety and improved patient satisfaction scores. These benefits aren't limited only to adults either—children are clearly benefiting from exposure as well.
In 2005, Professor Peter Keller published a study showing how classical music influences children's attention and behavior by reducing negative emotions (anger, sadness) while increasing positive ones (gratitude). Singing together connects us in ways we don't yet full understand.
We've all heard about the effects of singing together, but what does it actually feel like? It feels wonderful! When we sing together, we experience a heightened sense of connectedness and belonging. We are part of something bigger than ourselves; we belong to something larger than ourselves.
This feeling can be quite powerful, especially if you're an introvert who struggles with feeling like you matter or fit in. Singing is also a way of connecting with nature—our bodies are rhythmic instruments that connect us to each other and to nature through sound waves—so singing together helps us feel more connected to everything around us too!
Music has an amazing power to heal. Learn how you can use this ancient knowledge of music therapy in your modern life for a happier, healthier life. There’s a reason why singing has been part of human culture since the beginning of time.
It has an amazing power to heal, and even though you might not think so at first, it can help you stay healthy in many ways. Singing can help relieve stress, lower blood pressure and increase endorphins (the happy hormone). In fact, Harvard Medical School studies have shown that singing in groups is even more powerful than other forms of exercise!
If you're worried about looking silly or making mistakes while singing or signing with others then remember: we all started somewhere! Don't let self-consciousness hold you back from enjoying the benefits of music therapy. I hope you were inspired by the healing power of music.
There is so much more to be explored in this field, and its importance grows every day as our world becomes more stressful and disconnected. Music can help us reconnect with each other and find harmony again. Music has something important to teach us about our modern lives—and it’s time we started listening!
Nik Hawks
Nik Hawks helps run the show at Paleo Treats. Fascinated by humans in all their strange glory, Nik is harnessed in and pulling hard in pursuit of excellence with the rest of the PT Crew. Enjoy!