Paleo Treats® Blog - Paleo info, ingredients, and righteous adventures beyond dessert
Paleo Treats® Blog - Paleo info, ingredients, and righteous adventures beyond dessert

Viewing articles tagged Paleo Info

July 16, 2015

The Importance of Vitamin D

The glorious sun, shining bright!
True or False: Staring into the sun will instantly cure your Vitamin D deficiency? False, you fool!  Vitamin D deficiency is common in the United States, but that deficiency is avoidable with just a bit of education and some action.  Here are some useful facts about what you can do to avoid deficiency. View full article →
July 01, 2015

Coconut Oil – why the hype?

Coconut oil blog post image
What's all the fuss about coconut oil? It’s EVERYWHERE! From cooking to cleaning to pulling to digestion and disease prevention, this thing is as close as you can get to a superfood.  Want to learn more?  Keep reading... View full article →
June 22, 2015

Paleo Meal Prep Tips

Paleo meal prep on a cutting board
Paleo meal prep doesn’t have to be a whole big long story. Since eating Paleo = going back to basics, Paleo meal prep can really be the same. A common misconception is that when you say meal prep that you mean you are making a TON of food all at once. I’ve done that and guess what? View full article →
June 01, 2015

Paleo Grocery List

Paleo Grocery List
Many people think the Paleo diet is “hard” but really it’s super easy to follow once you know what to eat. Instead of focusing on what you CAN’T eat, focus on all of the glorious healthy foods that you CAN eat while following Paleo. View full article →
May 26, 2015

Paleo on a Budget

Paleo diet on a budget
Many people think that Paleo is expensive and the "normal" person can't afford it. Affordable Paleo IS possible and you can definitely follow Paleo on a budget. Here are some simple ways to save your hard-earned money, but still eat the healthiest and most delicious foods that Paleo offers. View full article →
May 17, 2015

Before you quit

Queen Quit (Before You Quit)
I’ve heard about a few folks quitting or wanting to quit lately and thought I’d share what has worked for me in the fight against that deathless bitch, Queen Q(uit).  Sure, I’ve sipped from her cup a time or two, but the bitter taste went down violently enough that I marked carefully the experience and decisions leading up to that and have mostly avoided them since. View full article →
May 01, 2015

The Paleo Diet and Heart Health

It's yo heart!
Paleo is becoming more widely known and gaining popularity and peeking the interest of more and more people. Let's take a look at how the Paleo diet affects your heart health. View full article →
April 22, 2015

The Pioneers of Paleo

The Pioneers of Paleo
It wasn't long ago that if you said you were Paleo, people had no idea what you were talking about. Back then when you explained that you ate like a caveman, people would be perplexed and ask if you killed your own food with a club. Thankfully, Paleo is starting to become more mainstream as celebrities are talking about it, and people are seeing the amazing health benefits from it. Because of this, we wanted to take some time to recognize the Pioneers of Paleo. View full article →
March 24, 2015

6 celebrities on the Paleo diet!

Megan Fox Paleo celebrity
When celebrities start doing something, whether it is wearing a new style of shoe, raising money for a new charity, or following a new diet, all of the sudden it becomes a trend.  Check out these 6 big names to see who's proud to be gettin' back to their evolutionary roots! View full article →
February 09, 2015

Hip Flexor Mobility: The Key to Solving Low Back Pain

Chase Besuden, blog author“I have a bad back!” is a common excuse I often hear from friends as a cop-out to why they can no longer do certain physical activities such as surfing, basketball, golf, indoor soccer, and lifting. Many people I know under the age of 30 have resigned themselves to simply not being able to enjoy physical activity because of a “bad” back. After experiencing my own hip injury, I became fanatical about fixing my injury without surgery, which led me to the KEY to solving low back and hip pain...

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January 26, 2015

Egg whites, yolks and nutritional blasphemy.

Egg whites & yolks
The battle between eating egg whites and egg yolks is ubiquitous, yet eating egg whites and throwing away the yolks is nutritional blasphemy!  How are you supposed to know what to do?  Let's start by looking at the science that started it all and see if we can break a few eggs to make a tasty omelet out of this thing. View full article →
January 22, 2015

Gluten free desserts

Gluten free cupcake.  A tricky little dessert.
Gluten free isn't the same as sugar free. Before you tear into your next gluten free chocolate cake, take a minute and read the ingredients. See that? Yep, cane sugar. Call it high fructose corn syrup, call it organic evaporated cane juice, call it bird friendly shade grown free range grass fed whatever; sugar is sugar, and most GF desserts are rocket-ship high in sugar. View full article →