We are taking the PT Crew (all 5 of us) out for a special holiday dinner at a swank, candle lit French restaurant. it's so exciting and we would be nothing without our special team. I love all of our tiny mighty-ness.
*Fun fact: My mother-in-law was the captain of her lacrosse team in high school, and she led them to national victory!
Happy post Thanksgiving Day! Grateful to be on this little dirt ball, warmed by a giant flaming star, floating around the abyss with you all.
There are a lot of good deals floating around, here are 3 I wanted to share with you.
OBSESSED with Herbal Face Food. I use The Cure X Soap, The Cure, The Serum I and The Cream. It's slowly getting rid of my dark spots and healing my skin. Nothing compares to this medical grade skincare line that uses only plants. I've been getting so many compliments that I'm glowing! Code PALEOTREATS gives you 20% off.
Bonus: Order 3 products between 11/24 and 12/1 and you automatically get The Cure X Soap for free added to your cart (an $83 value)!
Get better brain fitness with a BrainTap device. Think better, sleep better, perform better. Nik and I were one of the early adopters of this amazing technology. Use code HOLIDAY for $200 off a BrainTap Headset + 1 Year Subscription.
Oh hey, speaking of rad things: OUR BLACK FRIDAY SALE IS GOING ON!
Use code BLKFRIDAY20 for 20% off online shipping only, smash that big pink button below.
Cheers! Have an awesome weekend.
(ps. I'm working on my Glow Bunnies group, stay tuned)
Without all the garbage. We got you!
Call the shop before they sell out. 619-795-2203
Paleo Treats, 3275 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116
Normal Heights / Open Thanksgiving Day 10-2 for pick up
GET YOUR ORDER IN BEFORE WE SELL OUT. Please select pick up and add to the notes what day you will pick up. Please include your phone number.
HOURS for pick up: Wednesday 2-6pm and Thanksgiving Day 10-2pm.
Cheers! NIK + LEE xo ❤️
Paleo Treats, 3275 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116
Normal Heights | 619-795-2203
Is there anything more mind blowing than how vast and empty and magical space is? I remember sitting in the Sahara for the first time with the Tuaregs, it was close to midnight.
One of them, dressed in all indigo, squatted over a small flame wire cage burner making tea. He blew on the tinder every once in a while to keep the flame going. The flame would cast shadows on his indigo dyed face and his dark eyes stared at me.
I was mouth agape, goggling up at the sky. I had never seen anything like it. In the middle of the Sahara there is no light interference within hundreds of miles. It is the most empty space you will ever find. The stars were a bowl from horizon to horizon and it was unreal to experience.
The nomad asked if I had just got out of prison because I was so in awe of the sky.
We are so small in comparison. One of the greatest miracles has been the James Webb Space Telescope (25 years in the making) that has laid space and time at our feet.
It's searching for the “let there be light” moment and it's not far off. If you get a chance, watch some of these amazing videos on the James Webb Channel.
Oh hey, speaking of rad things: OUR BLACK FRIDAY SALE STARTS TODAY!
Use code BLKFRIDAY20 for 20% off online shipping only.
Cheers! Have an awesome week.
I saw a video yesterday of a woman who had a huge problem come up. She spiraled into catastrophizing it. Her friend asked her "What would it look like if it was easy?". Mind blown. These are the friends you need to keep close.
Reminder that US Wellness Meats is still giving our followers 15% off anything on their site! Take advantage, these guys rock. Use code PALEOTREATS at checkout.
Day 30 using my Herbal Face Food and I can't believe the difference. My brown spots are fading on my forehead. It's the only medical grade plant only skin care out there. You can eat it. (Don't :) Message me if you want to know what I use. And code PALEOTREATS gets you 20% off.
Oh #4! Nik and I went to see Taylor Swift's Eras Tour movie. Sooo good. Go see it, it is so loud because everyone is singing. It's a 3 hour concert and man is that lady inspiring. UC Berkeley is now offering a Taylor Swift business course, and USA Today has their first dedicated Taylor Swift journalist. And, if you go to the movie, check out the price of the tickets: Adults $19.89 (name of one of her albums) and kids tickets are $13.13 (her favorite number).
Cheers! Have an awesome week.
I wanted to take this Monday and intro you to the good people over at US Wellness Meats. They've got some of the best meat around.
Their animals live stress free and roam wide open pastures grazing on native prairie grasses; conditions are about as good as it gets.
Their farms work with nature to produce the most nutritious foods on the planet. NO pesticides, NO herbicides, NO antibiotics, NO added growth hormones, NO GMOs, and NO animal mRNA vaccines.
We've had a long time partnership with them and LOVE them!
They're kindly running a special deal for our Paleo Treats peeps through the end of the month, use code PALEOTREATS for 15% off anything in their store.
Check 'em out, and enjoy the best of what's out there! Nik + LEE <3